
〈1千冊図書展示と貸出しシリーズ〉 NO.79 戦後70年 昭和の「アジア・太平洋戦争」を読む

A masters in gastronomy will prepare you to tackle a variety of issues in the field including, but not limited to, food culture, biology, products and origins, culinary techniques, best practices, and business management

〈1千冊図書展示と貸出しシリーズ〉 NO.78 「アジア・太平洋戦争の歴史」を読む

I am looking to pursue a 2-year course where the universities i’ve chosen allow me to pursue this course in two separate countries along with internships

〈1千冊図書展示と貸出しシリーズ〉 NO.75 「戦争と平和を考える」

Image manipulation apps may have made some headway recently, but there’s still a feeling that most of them are half-baked imitations of the real thing

〈1千冊図書展示と貸出しシリーズ〉 NO.74 「読んで “楽しむアジア” 絵本・児童書」

Changing successfully is even harder, especially if you’re a business